Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bemusement and Indignation

Maori committee to investigate smoking

'This is a war against people who kill New Zealanders'


Basically, the gist is, the Maori Affairs parlimentary select committee are investigating the impact the tabacco industry is having on Maori People.

This may seem like a bit of a dull article,  but with Hone Harawira involved, it never can be:

'To be brutally frank I'd like to lynch these bastards."

This quote was sadly omitted from One News. 

In other news...
Phar Lap statue almost complete

Only in NZ is this considered News worthy.
It seems we always, ALMOST do something

Whats even worse, is this article was ranked higher on the website then:
School Girl Killer appeals sentence  - The Rapist and Killer of Marie Davis mind that.
Woman Shot Dead in Matamata

Only in NZ.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Eggbeaters of light...

Here's some outfits from a friend's birthday party... unfortunately I can't remember where all Harriet's stuff is from!

*enter Harriet*
Top was thrifted, Belt comes from my completely gorgeous rock and roll dress, jeans are from JayJays and the shoes are just really old vans that i've had for ages :)
*Harriet leaves again*

My dress was a birthday present, cardigan is my sister's from supre and the shoes are from Wild Pair. They're awesome. But I walk very slowly in them.

Here are the aforementioned eggbeaters of light... no idea how I managed to take this photo but it looks cool. I love taking photos without flash. There's a few more cool ones I might put up later!
Isobel =)